
107 1st Avenue, New York, NY

From dining room buyouts to large party reservations, Huertas offers several different options tailored to fit a variety of events, whether personal or professional. This hip venue combines the playful elements of a Pintxo Bar, and the elevated aspects of cuisine in the Basque country. You’ll find something for everyone, with a rotating assortment of pintxos, or small bites, and larger seasonally evolving raciones, accompanied by unabashedly & classic Spanish beverages, such as refrescos, house made vermouth, and a long list of Spanish wine, sherry & cider.

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    Approximate Event Date
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    Min 7 - Max 80

    Listing Amenities

    • Accepts Credit Cards
    • Accessories
    • Alarm System
    • Security Cameras
    • Wireless Internet
    107 1st Avenue, New York, NY

    From dining room buyouts to large party reservations, Huertas offers several different options tailored to fit a variety of events, whether personal or professional. This hip venue combines the playful elements of a Pintxo Bar, and the elevated aspects of cuisine in the Basque country. You’ll find something for everyone, with a rotating assortment of pintxos, or small bites, and larger seasonally evolving raciones, accompanied by unabashedly & classic Spanish beverages, such as refrescos, house made vermouth, and a long list of Spanish wine, sherry & cider.


    Min 7 - Max 80

    Listing Amenities

    • Accepts Credit Cards
    • Accessories
    • Alarm System
    • Security Cameras
    • Wireless Internet

    Request Info

      What type of event?
      Approximate Event Date
      Start Time?
      End Time?
      107 1st Avenue, New York, NY